Linked below are selected publications by Dr. John Kasarda addressing the basics of airport city and aerotropolis planning and development as well as articles on his work and that of Aerotropolis Business Concepts LLC. A more comprehensive set of publications can be found at
A new airport-driven urban economic form is evolving - the Aerotropolis. It is being ushered in by large jet aircraft and telecommunications advances accelerating global integration, time-based competition, and corresponding needs for speed, agility, and connectivity in the movement of people and products around the world.
Airport planners are not just planning airports. The economic impact of airports means that they often help to form and shape cities. Henry Canaday talks to John Kasarda, director of the Kenan Institute at the University of North Carolina.
What opportunities and challenges await the 21st century industry? The picture is becoming clearer by the day. Commercial borders will effectively supplant national borders. Global sourcing will predominate as advanced telecommunications and transportation technologies allow a wide geographic dispersion of component manufacturing sites and places of final assembly, predicated on raw material availability, labor costs and skills, and markets.
Increased global competition means that industry and government must work together to ensure that manufacturers have support networks of transportation, telecommunications, services, and knowledge centers.
Today's competitive pressures require goods-producing firms to simultaneously manage multiple cross-organizational information and material flows in order to source, manufacture, and deliver their products better, faster, and cheaper. This change has precipitated a radical shift in our thinking about the architecture of production, the importance of traditional supply chain relationships, and, most importantly, the role of logistics.
Achieving success in the global market has required fundamental shifts in the way business is conducted and has dramatically affected virtually every aspect of manufacturing strategy.
Despite the ubiquity of air travel and its critical role in urban competitiveness and employment growth, little work on the economic consequences of aviation has been produced in nearly three decades. We analyze the relationship between the structure of the airline network and employment growth in 104 metropolitan areas.
Time Magazine, 2011
John D. Kasarda
John D. Kasarda
John D. Kasarda
John D. Kasarda
John D. Kasarda
John D. Kasarda
John D. Kasarda
John D. Kasarda